Abbeyside Ballinacourty

Founded 1967

Co. Waterford

Club Notes - 22nd February

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Club Lotto

Our weekly lotto takes place on Tuesday night next. Next week's Jackpot will be €6,300. Tickets can be purchased from club sellers and by clicking on the following link -


With the new season rapidly approaching, we would like to emphasis the importance of getting your membership paid as soon as possible. If you have not already done so, please contact our membership officer Kevin Tobin on 087 9954448 to arrange payment. From a playing perspective it is compulsory that you are a member as it ensures you are included in the insurance scheme. Rates for this year are Adult €150 / Student €75, Married Couple (non-playing) €70, Single (non-playing) €50 and OAP €40. Of course, members of our 300 Club are fully covered.

Fitzgibbon Cup

Congratulations to Michael Kiely on winning his second Fitzgibbon Cup medal with University of Limerick last Saturday. This was a superb display from a very good team and Michael himself made a significant contribution, coring 4-1 from play in a Man of the Match performance. Well done to all involved and it was great to see the team make a pit stop in Abbeyside on their way back to Limerick after the game.

Academy 2023 – Starting Saturday

The end of February always marks a key time in the club calendar because it's when our juvenile academy starts up. This means that Saturday mornings at the field will be full of fun and games for our youngest hurlers and footballers.

The 2023 academy starts this Saturday 25th February, and we cater for boys aged from 5 to 10 who would like to get active and build friendships in a safe, inclusive, team environment.

The start times are as follows: U8, U9 & U10 start at 10:00AM and U5, U6 & U7 start at 10:30AM.

The year kicks off with football so make sure the boys have their gumshields.

Newcomers of all ages are always welcome throughout the season so be sure to come out and sample the fun and there'll be a cup of tea for parents.

If you have any questions, you can email

Camogie News

Our music edition quiz night held on Friday Feb 17th in Minnies Bar was a great success. The club would like to thank Pat O Brien for the use of the venue and also say a huge thanks to Bob O Brien and his crew for doing an amazing job. A great night was had by all.

To all the local businesses who supported our raffle by providing prizes, thank you so much, please shop local where you can. Finally to our fantastic committee, coaches, and players for coming together to make the night a success, you are amazing!

On the night we were presented with our away jersey sponsored by Brendan at Ballycoe Landscaping. Also included on the sleeve of these jerseys is a tribute to former players Shauna McGrath and Laura Cliffe. We would like to express our appreciation to Ballycoe Landscaping for this sponsorship.

Our next get together will be for a membership evening on Friday 3rd March at the Abbeyside GAA clubhouse (membership can be paid via Foireann which is the same as last year). We will also be doing a collection on that evening of old hurleys, helmets, and football boots in good condition to pass onto new starters or those who would like to try camogie out, so start that spring clean!!! All are welcome.

We have also entered into the St Patrick’s Day parade, details to follow.


On behalf of all in the club we’d like to offer our condolences to the Ryan family on the recent death of Eammon Ryan. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.


Our regular Sunday night Bingo continues every week in the CBS Hall. Eyes down at 8.00pm.

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