Abbeyside Ballinacourty

Founded 1967

Co. Waterford

Club Notes - 8th March

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Club Lotto

Our weekly lotto takes place on Tuesday night next. Next week's Jackpot will be €6500. Tickets can be purchased from club sellers and by clicking on the following link -


With the new season rapidly approaching, we would like to emphasis the importance of getting your membership paid as soon as possible. If you have not already done so, please contact our membership officer Kevin Tobin on 087 9954448 to arrange payment. From a playing perspective it is compulsory that you are a member as it ensures you are included in the insurance scheme. Rates for this year are Adult €150 / Student €75, Married Couple (non-playing) €70, Single (non-playing) €50 and OAP €40. Of course, members of our 300 Club are fully covered.


Our regular Sunday night Bingo continues every week in the CBS Hall. Eyes down at 8.00pm.

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